E Komo Mai!

In Hawai'ian, this means Welcome and Come in! These words ring true at St. John Lutheran in Kailua where you are always most welcome to join us for worship, or to stop by the office, or to reach out to me via text or email.

St. John is a small (but mighty!) worshiping community of people who have either lived in Hawai'i their whole lives, have spent decades making their home on the Windward side, are here for a few years (usually because of a military assignment to O'ahu), or who are vacationing on island and worship with us as "regulars" or guests each week.

We hear over and over again from visitors and guests how welcomed they feel for worship. Making people feel comfortable are not just words we say, but one of the tangible ways we share God's love. We recognize that no matter your reason for being on island, or the length of time you'll be here, we are isolated in the middle of the Pacific and it is so very good to have a community. You can find that community at St. John and be as involved (or not) as you'd like. We will welcome you, we will get to know you, we will invite you back, we will ask you to get involved, we will be excited to see you in worship and we will hold you in prayer.

We all need to be reminded of God's love for us and we do that through scripture readings, preaching, hymn singing and communion each and every week. Worship is a place of centering for our members and visitors each week. We leave worship renewed in the gospel to go into the world to share the love of God, shown most profoundly in Jesus, with the people we encounter.

Please check out more of our website to answer questions you might have about worship and about the congregation's involvement in various ministries on island, in Hawai'i and around the country and world through our ministries as part of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA).

As always, don't hesitate to reach out to me or to Elizabeth in the office.

We hope to see you in worship soon.

With Aloha and God's Peace,

Pastor Kathryn

     In Hawai'ian, this means Welcome and Come in! These words ring true at St. John Lutheran in Kailua where you are always most welcome to join us for worship, to stop by the office, or to reach out to me via text or email.

St. John is a small (but mighty!) worshiping community of people who have either lived in Hawai'i their whole lives, have spent decades making their home on the Windward side, are here for a few years (usually because of a military assignment to O'ahu), or who are vacationing on island and worship with us as "regulars" or guests each week.

     We hear over and over again from visitors and guests how welcomed they feel for worship. Making people feel comfortable are not just words we say, but one of the tangible ways we share God's love. We recognize that no matter your reason for being on island, or the length of time you'll be here, we are isolated in the middle of the Pacific and it is so very good to have a community. You can find that community at St. John and be as involved (or not) as you'd like. We will welcome you, we will get to know you, we will invite you back, we will ask you to get involved, we will be excited to see you in worship and we will hold you in prayer.

     We all need to be reminded of God's love for us and we do that through scripture readings, preaching, hymn singing and communion each and every week. Worship is a place of centering for our members and visitors each week. We leave worship renewed in the gospel to go into the world to share the love of God, shown most profoundly in Jesus, with the people we encounter.

     Please check out more of our website to answer questions you might have about worship and about the congregation's involvement in various ministries on island, in Hawai'i and around the country and world through our ministries as part of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA).

As always, don't hesitate to reach out to me or to Christina in the office.

We hope to see you in worship soon.

With Aloha and God's Peace,

Pastor Kathryn